There are blogs that will change your life, bring you out of a crisis, or help you connect with others....this isn't one of them. I just like to write. My entries might be funny, sarcastic, crazy, and often boring - but I do it for me. If you happen to find something that you like; that's a bonus. This is for the days or nights where I just have to ramble to clear my I can stop tripping through my sanity.

Older Men Dating Younger Women

Disclaimer: No, I'm not talking about a 4 or 5 year gap.

In Hollywood it's the norm. We see it in the headlines every day: (Insert 50 year old actor's name here) weds (insert 20 year old diva's name here). When it comes to those arrangements we can 'understand' it: wealth, power, movie and magazine connections, etc. It isn't love; it's a business arrangement. He gets to pretend he's still a hot stud and she gets to play princess for (usually) 1 - 3 years until they file irreconcilable differences and she celebrates his lack of foresight when it comes to setting up a prenup. But what is the allure for your every day guy?

I found an interesting article and decided to give my personal take on the writer's 10 reasons why most of these "relationships" won't work:

1. Fantasy love fades. Usually within a year.
Or less. Let's face it, the average guy isn't jumping into marriage like the Hollywood moguls, he's jumping into the sack. Big difference. Because there is no prenup, no children to decide on, no divorce to handle - the disappearing act is easy. "But don't you think it would be the young lady leaving him instead of the other way around?" some situations yes, but I've found through personal experience watching friends and friends of friends that the type of man who actively pursues a 20-something girl ...actively pursues more than one at a time. That's a recipe for disaster, no matter how old you are.

2. [The men] may feel younger, but dating younger women won't make them younger.
We've all seen the 40 year old man show up at the hip club with a 19 year old. He thinks he's a total stud for having her grinding against his khakis - she's pretending not to flirt with the 24 year old frat boy at the bar - and everyone else is doing their best not to laugh. It isn't working, guys. You're the club joke. The only people in awe of your masulinity are the other 40 year olds sitting alone at the bar.

3. Older men and younger women use each other, similar to a business arrangement.
While it's true you don't have to be a Hollywood director or billionaire to attract a young gold digger, there are other ways one can be used. Does she constantly ask to drive your Escalade to the club for her 'girls nights out'? Does she make sure you know how long it is before her next birthday every time she sees a new pair of Jimmy Choos? Think about it. Then matter how many friends hear you brag about her 'amazing intellect' - you're using her for the sex.

4. OK, maybe she's not using him.
Because you always see hot young bikini models with a 45 year old McDonald's manager...right?

5. Different energy levels.
With the creation of Viagra, this isn't an issue - at least not in the bedroom. That doesn't mean you won't get in at least 1 fight a week because she wants to stay until the bar closes and you've got a board meeting at 7 am.

6. Different maturity levels.
This is one of the biggest issues. I don't care how much your 22 year old girlfriend says "I want to be a Doctor", or how many classes she takes (at 2 pm in the afternoon) - the fact remains that she doesn't HAVE to be mature yet. In the grand scheme of things, she's still a kid. Grown men have years of experience that girls half their age just haven't achieved yet - no matter how intelligent they are.

"Bob Russell, a retiree in Phoenix said, "I took a younger woman to a movie. When I mentioned that the actor looked like Humphrey Bogart, she looked at me sweetly and said, 'Who is Humphrey Bogart?' After that, I dated women my own age."

7. Common goals and interests.
Retirement, paying off a mortage, getting lower car insurance, saving gas, getting that promotion at the office, long term commitment ...... none of those things matter to someone who is in their 20's. The quicker you learn that, the more trouble you'll save yourself. If those things don't matter to you either, then I'm sure you're having a great time living with your mother.

8. Lifestyles differ.
Do I really have to put details with this? It's obvious. If it weren't so true, we wouldn't long for our younger years after we hit 35.

9. Stand by your man?
Did the bottom just drop out of the stock market? Mortage going under because they downsized at the office? A girl who lives at home or in a college dorm isn't going to care....much less know how to help. So when your bank account experiences new lows and coincidentally she decides that's when "things just aren't working out anymore".... don't act surprised.

10. Health issues.
Are things going great? Did you some how manage to be the exception to the previous 9 ideas and think you might pop the big question? In 10 years you'll be thinking about retirement and she'll be wanting 3 kids.

From Tom Blake's article:
"There are exceptions, of course, and couples with an age gap can have wonderful relationships. It's how closely they think together that matters.

There will always be older men who want to date younger women. Most will discover that those relationships don't last. And a few will come to their senses and seek women closer to their own age who share common goals, interests and energy levels. But they'll have to learn for themselves."

Those Moments Before

Half awake - Half asleep.
This is my best time because I have so many thoughts moving around in my head. This is my worst time because I don't have the energy required to do anything with those thoughts.

Hello my few and far between readers. As you can see, this blog was left to die almost a year ago. I honestly forgot it existed. Then today, while I debated over what I should and shouldn't include on a MySpace blog, I remembered it. How perfect a solution. I can kee
p my silly, random, generic thoughts on MySpace where I don't care who reads them. I can reserve this area for you - the small circle of people I trust to know the actual details of my life. (you'll find I'm already rambling since it's closely approaching sleepy time - it will only get worse as we go along, that I can assure you)

Oh my life...what would I start with? Well my move to California is rapidly approaching. For 2 years now I have split my
time between the coasts (He has as well - but I believe he's far more accustom to traveling than I) I am extremely excited ~ though I've been so busy I haven't had time to just sit in the joy of the idea. There are...wait, let me check....

** time warp - 20+ minutes later **....................

I was already fighting to stay awake & I just wasted some of the precious consciousness I had left. On what? Looking for an online countdown clock. I wanted to include the exact number of days left until my move - Googled 'online countdown' - and had the wonderful luck of choosing the one featured on
NEVER go to
It froze my browser up so badly that I ended up performing a dreaded hard reboot. *shivers* Anyway...back to what I was saying.....what was I saying? Oh...the move. 2 months and 4 days to go. Seems like a while, until you take into account the fact that I probably have 4 months of preparation to do. You can tell how that's going to work out. Me = crazy. But I can't think of many other reasons I'd do it. The first day of kicking off my shoes on the West Coast and it finally sinks in that I DON'T HAVE TO FLY BACK A MONTH LATER will be the best feeling.

(makes tired noises) I guess I should wrap this up for now. I'm slouching in my chair.

*I just realized that I forgot to fill the ice trays and my caffeine free Pepsi pack is still sitting on the kitchen table....not in the fridge.

I am SO going to bed.


| coming soon |