There are blogs that will change your life, bring you out of a crisis, or help you connect with others....this isn't one of them. I just like to write. My entries might be funny, sarcastic, crazy, and often boring - but I do it for me. If you happen to find something that you like; that's a bonus. This is for the days or nights where I just have to ramble to clear my I can stop tripping through my sanity.

How it Should Have Gone

Actual Conversation:

"Well, I'm going to go home for a bit and work on my other job, then I'll be back. I'm burning the candle at both ends."

Other person:
"Oh I feel your pain!"

Me: (chuckles and leaves)

How it SHOULD have gone:

"Feel my pain? How do you feel my pain? I work for you. When I'm not working for you I'm running my own company. When I'm not running my own company I'm taking care of a 10 year old. When I'm not doing any of those things I'm trying my best to get some sleep for more than a few hours. You go to work. You go home. Your time at home is yours. You have no concept of what I have to do every day."

Shot in the Dark

Yesterday was quite an adventure! While getting ready for work, my glasses were broken in half. It was enough of an experience to watch over $300 fall to the floor in two pieces - but it got better. I picked up the pieces and proceeded through the house in an attempt to find something to repair them with. Moments later I realized I was holding only ONE of the halves in my hand. Where did I put the other half?! Being practically blind without my glasses, I began to feel my way (yes FEEL) through the house trying to find the other part of them. No luck. I was totally lost. I have a horrible habit of setting things down while walking through the house, but that usually isn't a problem....well...when I can actually see where I put things. To make a long story short: I had to call my mother and have her come from work to help me look for the other piece (we never found it...) and then we rushed to my optometrist so that he could give me an emergency pair of contacts and I could finally (2 hours late) get to work. I've always had bad vision, but this little incident reminded me how completely helpless I am when I can't see (I couldn't even cross the street to get to the optometrist's office without my mother's assistance). I have an appointment to go back for a full box set of contact on the 27th. Now let's hope I can make these two last for another 24 days....
(or you might have trouble reading my next entry!)