Posted on 3:17 PM
Actual Conversation:
"Well, I'm going to go home for a bit and work on my other job, then I'll be back. I'm burning the candle at both ends."
Other person:
"Oh I feel your pain!"
Me: (chuckles and leaves)
How it SHOULD have gone:
"Feel my pain? How do you feel my pain? I work for you. When I'm not working for you I'm running my own company. When I'm not running my own company I'm taking care of a 10 year old. When I'm not doing any of those things I'm trying my best to get some sleep for more than a few hours. You go to work. You go home. Your time at home is yours. You have no concept of what I have to do every day."
Posted on 9:45 AM
Yesterday was quite an adventure! While getting ready for work, my glasses were broken in half. It was enough of an experience to watch over $300 fall to the floor in two pieces - but it got better. I picked up the pieces and proceeded through the house in an attempt to find something to repair them with. Moments later I realized I was holding only ONE of the halves in my hand. Where did I put the other half?! Being practically blind without my glasses, I began to feel my way (yes FEEL) through the house trying to find the other part of them. No luck. I was totally lost. I have a horrible habit of setting things down while walking through the house, but that usually isn't a problem....well...when I can actually see where I put things. To make a long story short: I had to call my mother and have her come from work to help me look for the other piece (we never found it...) and then we rushed to my optometrist so that he could give me an emergency pair of contacts and I could finally (2 hours late) get to work. I've always had bad vision, but this little incident reminded me how completely helpless I am when I can't see (I couldn't even cross the street to get to the optometrist's office without my mother's assistance). I have an appointment to go back for a full box set of contact on the 27th. Now let's hope I can make these two last for another 24 days....
(or you might have trouble reading my next entry!)
Posted on 2:25 AM
So my son has been telling me for a few weeks now about his grand play at school. He's been carefully going over his lines (so proud to have the lead part!), choosing his costume, and notifying every member of the family as to when they should come see him perform. All of us (6 total) prepared for tonight. Schedules rearranged, dinners delayed...most parents understand the drill. Ofcourse, we're all under the impression that this will be your 'normal' elementary school play experience: poor props, home costumes, but still a great event simply because you get to see your child on stage and watch all their hard work unfold. I had my camera all charged up; ready to capture his performance. I was excited! He was excited! We were all... you guessed it: Excited! Little did we know that not only was the play a grand total of 7 minutes (it took twice that long just to park the car), but the school also didn't feel like moving the props and decorations to the auditorium, and instead hosted the entire event in a small classroom. No chairs, no central air, and for some reason they thought turning out all the lights and using only a handyman's spotlight added some kind of 'ambiance' (only resulting in the fact that I managed ONE shot with my camera where you could actually see my son's face, much less anything else). Did he do a fantastic job? He certainly did! But you'll have to excuse me for saying that the mere scent hanging in that small, parent filled, stifling hot, damp, and dark room was horrid enough to make me wish everyone else bathed before they attended.
On a more somber note: a friend became angry with me today & it took me totally by surprise.
I realize my friend is under a great amount of stress right now with both personal and family matters, but his complete dismissal of me happened so suddenly and without warning that I found myself, for once, speechless. He and I haven't been friends for very long yet, so having no previous history to go by all I could do was say as little as possible and leave him be. I told him that I realized his stress and I would keep that in mind. Then I took my leave. I know it's most likely just a side effect of how he is feeling, but I was confused all the same. I know better than to press the issue, no matter how slighted I feel. I'll bide my time, go on with my daily ins and outs, and wait for his world to calm down a bit.
I've been working nonstop since it happened, so I have no idea if anything else has transpired. I suppose it is yet another one of those 'things' in life that you can't control, and if you try then you only make it worse.
I hope things get better for him soon, and even though we aren't speaking right now...I will still send good thoughts his way in hopes that some find him.