There are blogs that will change your life, bring you out of a crisis, or help you connect with others....this isn't one of them. I just like to write. My entries might be funny, sarcastic, crazy, and often boring - but I do it for me. If you happen to find something that you like; that's a bonus. This is for the days or nights where I just have to ramble to clear my I can stop tripping through my sanity.

How it Should Have Gone

Actual Conversation:

"Well, I'm going to go home for a bit and work on my other job, then I'll be back. I'm burning the candle at both ends."

Other person:
"Oh I feel your pain!"

Me: (chuckles and leaves)

How it SHOULD have gone:

"Feel my pain? How do you feel my pain? I work for you. When I'm not working for you I'm running my own company. When I'm not running my own company I'm taking care of a 10 year old. When I'm not doing any of those things I'm trying my best to get some sleep for more than a few hours. You go to work. You go home. Your time at home is yours. You have no concept of what I have to do every day."

Shot in the Dark

Yesterday was quite an adventure! While getting ready for work, my glasses were broken in half. It was enough of an experience to watch over $300 fall to the floor in two pieces - but it got better. I picked up the pieces and proceeded through the house in an attempt to find something to repair them with. Moments later I realized I was holding only ONE of the halves in my hand. Where did I put the other half?! Being practically blind without my glasses, I began to feel my way (yes FEEL) through the house trying to find the other part of them. No luck. I was totally lost. I have a horrible habit of setting things down while walking through the house, but that usually isn't a problem....well...when I can actually see where I put things. To make a long story short: I had to call my mother and have her come from work to help me look for the other piece (we never found it...) and then we rushed to my optometrist so that he could give me an emergency pair of contacts and I could finally (2 hours late) get to work. I've always had bad vision, but this little incident reminded me how completely helpless I am when I can't see (I couldn't even cross the street to get to the optometrist's office without my mother's assistance). I have an appointment to go back for a full box set of contact on the 27th. Now let's hope I can make these two last for another 24 days....
(or you might have trouble reading my next entry!)

Curtain Call

So my son has been telling me for a few weeks now about his grand play at school. He's been carefully going over his lines (so proud to have the lead part!), choosing his costume, and notifying every member of the family as to when they should come see him perform. All of us (6 total) prepared for tonight. Schedules rearranged, dinners delayed...most parents understand the drill. Ofcourse, we're all under the impression that this will be your 'normal' elementary school play experience: poor props, home costumes, but still a great event simply because you get to see your child on stage and watch all their hard work unfold. I had my camera all charged up; ready to capture his performance. I was excited! He was excited! We were all... you guessed it: Excited! Little did we know that not only was the play a grand total of 7 minutes (it took twice that long just to park the car), but the school also didn't feel like moving the props and decorations to the auditorium, and instead hosted the entire event in a small classroom. No chairs, no central air, and for some reason they thought turning out all the lights and using only a handyman's spotlight added some kind of 'ambiance' (only resulting in the fact that I managed ONE shot with my camera where you could actually see my son's face, much less anything else). Did he do a fantastic job? He certainly did! But you'll have to excuse me for saying that the mere scent hanging in that small, parent filled, stifling hot, damp, and dark room was horrid enough to make me wish everyone else bathed before they attended.

On a more somber note: a friend became angry with me today & it took me totally by surprise.
I realize my friend is under a great amount of stress right now with both personal and family matters, but his complete dismissal of me happened so suddenly and without warning that I found myself, for once, speechless. He and I haven't been friends for very long yet, so having no previous history to go by all I could do was say as little as possible and leave him be. I told him that I realized his stress and I would keep that in mind. Then I took my leave. I know it's most likely just a side effect of how he is feeling, but I was confused all the same. I know better than to press the issue, no matter how slighted I feel. I'll bide my time, go on with my daily ins and outs, and wait for his world to calm down a bit.
I've been working nonstop since it happened, so I have no idea if anything else has transpired. I suppose it is yet another one of those 'things' in life that you can't control, and if you try then you only make it worse.
I hope things get better for him soon, and even though we aren't speaking right now...I will still send good thoughts his way in hopes that some find him.

30 Days of Night: a Review

With all the gore and dark abandon this movie promised in its preview, I was ready for the chill-maker of the year. Although the film did provide some unsettling moments, this movie was far from dark. The introductory scenes give you an unsavory mix of poor dialog and spoon feeding you the plot. There is no smooth introduction or easy transition from happy town to place of terror. The writer throws the personal struggles of the leading characters in your face in a 5 minute relationship crash course and then chugs along into a town that can’t turn back. Though the ideas behind how the enemies ‘prep’ the town for attack are viable, they movie fails to explain how a few of them were actually pulled off with no one noticing the events. Ofcourse, with any horror movie in our current day, its difficult to give a believable plot full of monsters that anyone now would even come close to believing is possible, but a few moments of ‘common sense’ explanation of minor events leading up to an entire town being held powerless overnight would have helped the credibility of the story line.

The enemies themselves were decent and thankfully not your cliche trench coat wearing fiends from 80’s hair band days - but they still lacked that mysterious quality that viewers have come to enjoy from vampiric characters. That being said, I have to actually contradict myself and say that bringing the characters in as beings who gave no regard to ritual or weakness was a grand and refreshing touch. What all powerful being would ever find romance with a mortal? What blood drinking monster would ever tolerate weakness, even in its own kind? None. And this film delivered a fantastic view on what attitude a man-eater would have.

The lead characters themselves were 50/50 to my preference. Josh Hartnett, as Eban, gave a fantastic performance in what I believe is a recalling of his gut stirring role in “Black Hawk Down”. In this film he further proved his uncanny ability to strike emotion in his viewers with just the switch of facial expression. I found myself agonizing along with him during his ’state of terror’ decision making. However, Melissa George, as Stella, left me cold. In an attempt to turn antagonist into heroine, she came off instead as a heartless ’seize the day and get the glory’ tough girl with only a small glimpse of compassion to spare in the final moments once the danger had passed. She gave me the feeling of ‘why is this brave man risking his life for this cold hearted wench’.

On a side note, a large portion of the viewing audience in the theater seemed to find several parts of the movie humorous. Some I agree with, as a few scenes and nuances of the vampire behavior were over the top or seen so frequently that they became a great object for a drinking game instead of a normal pattern. Many things lost their shock value after we’d seen them happen over and over.

All in all the movie was worth the ticket price, but you won’t find yourself shouting for more at the end. You’ll be satisfied, but completely ready to head out of the theater and stretch your legs.

Grade: B+

I'm Important!!!

We all know that online TYPING LIKE THIS IS YELLING…but what does it say when someone puts !!! at the end of every sentence they type? I know a handful of people who type in that manner regularly so I can only make my assumptions based on matching that ! with their personality. I’ve come to decide that using an exclamation point at the end of every thing you type generally means two things:

1. You think you are far more important than everyone else.

Everything typed is a proclamation(!!) Thus sayeth me! You will pay attention to what I’m saying because I should be heard! etc etc

2. They think the info they are typing is something only an idiot would have to be told.

Didn’t you know that! that is what it is for!! I am telling you again!!!!!

But what is more annoying is that they place one at the end of sentences that, in normal speech, would never require one.

Each time I see it - I get the image of someone with Tourette Syndrome. Stop typing like that…please. It only confirms the fact that not only should you not use ! but you usually shouldn’t be saying much at all.

Had a little dream...

It’s cold and I’m outside. I’m bundled up in a warm wool coat and hat and the snow is falling around me. I’m in a big city; the streets are busy and noisy. I continue to walk and soon come upon my boyfriend. We greet each other in the usual ways and I point to my neck, saying “Can you help me get this off?” I’m pointing to a snake that is wrapped around my neck. The snake is biting deeply into the side of my neck. He looks and says ‘Does it hurt?” I notice then that it doesn’t hurt at all, only the pressure from it being so tight. I say no and he asks ‘Why worry about it then?” I start walking again. The next people I meet are family. The same conversation happens. This time they say ‘Why don’t you take it off yourself?” So I reach up to pull the snake from my neck and upon touching it, it tightens further and bites down harder. I stop because I have the undeniable thought that if I do try to pull the snake from my neck - then it WILL hurt. I am scared. I put my hand down and refuse to touch it again. The dream continues in the same manner and I meet several people who are important in my life and whom I trust. All say the same things.

In the end, the snake is never removed and I feel like I’ve asked for help from everyone and no one helped me.

When I wake up, I don’t feel unhappy or scared…only confused.

I’m not sure what it is that is bothering me so much that I’d dream about it. Dan has offered some thoughts that make a lot of sense to me now that I’ve heard them: Some natural nervousness about an upcoming 'adventure'.

If he's right...this is easily overcome and will turn out to be a grand thing indeed.

I guess I will wait and find out!

10 minute speed write

Please Note:
This is a 'speed write'. That means I type for 10 minutes with no backspace, no spellcheck, nothing...just going wherever the story takes me. So, please excuse the typos - they are part of the process! :)

"3 Years"

Her drink was watered down again.
She could still remember the last time she’d been there, drinking that same iced pinot noir and listening to him rebuke her for it.

“You really shouldn’t have done that to such a fine specimen, you know. Have some class.”

She had looked up at him, not even bothering to mask her full on apathy toward him or his championed cause to protect the sanctity of wine.

She’d held her hand up then, somewhere between his newest views on Faust and his diatribe of his accountant squandering his highly inflated earnings two years previous. He paused, which was unusual, but what wasn’t about this visit? “Michael…really…” She’d then stopped to sip her wine just out of spite.

”Really what? Cathrine….” He got that look then, the one she reserved for times such as these…
“I wanted to talk to you about something..”
”Oh do tell, Michael,” she finished off the glass and set it back on the table, the stem barely able to withstand the subtle force behind her hand, “I’m so eager to hear this…whatever it is”

“You aren’t making this any easier, Cathy” Her teeth made a sharp cracking noise suddenly, and she knew within two hours her migraine would return, “This is …not easy..”
”Nothing in life is” she interrupted him yet again, ready to dump the check on him and then leave him in his own squalid dreams, “So just say it. You were always such a damn idiot.” His eyes widened and then he wagged his head from side to side as if she were a child who’d just spilled juice on the new couch, ” You know I hate it when you curse. I thought you were more of a lady….I thought a lot of things about you. But that was then…and this? this is different. Nothing is the same.”

“Oh for goodness sake, Michael….” she almost felt like yawning. The same words that only a month previous would have had her heart racing and her palms sweating, now left her simply stale.
“You remember Stephanie? Yes? well… we’ve met up for drinks, a few times now” He started to panic, she could see the beginings of it in his eyes as they darted back and forth behind his glasses.
He straightened his tie which was already set right and continued, “We havent’ slept togteher, not even so much as a kiss…I swear. Its not like that…” Cathrine motioned the water over for naother glass of wine and then leaned forward on the table - closing what little bit of safe distance he thought still existed - her voice was calm… resonant. Her eyes narrow and determined… “Idiot.”

“Cathrine… please! You mean so much to me… such a jewel…” He leaned back as if he could get away from her…from the situation…from the guilt… “You are valuable - but I don’t’ think this is right for me…”

The waiter came at that moment and she took the glass… not wasting any time before she drained the contents and stood from her chair. She searched in her purse and pulled out a few bills, tossing them on the table and started to go… his studdering beginnings of sentences coming rapidly now… begging…not for her… not to repair the last 3 years she’d wasted on him… not to even say “I’m sorry”…. but to simply assuage his guilt. His voiced dropped, trying to seduce her into agreement so he could leave without a cross on his back…”Cathrine…Catty..” He used her nickname in a last underhanded verbal assualt…”Lets not part this way..”

She turned back to him then, and cut a sharp smile….pausing again long enough to watch him fiddle with the wedding band still on his finger…then leaned in… and whispered in his ear…

“You really shouldn’t have done that to such a fine specimen, you know. Have some class.”