There are blogs that will change your life, bring you out of a crisis, or help you connect with others....this isn't one of them. I just like to write. My entries might be funny, sarcastic, crazy, and often boring - but I do it for me. If you happen to find something that you like; that's a bonus. This is for the days or nights where I just have to ramble to clear my I can stop tripping through my sanity.

Those Moments Before

Half awake - Half asleep.
This is my best time because I have so many thoughts moving around in my head. This is my worst time because I don't have the energy required to do anything with those thoughts.

Hello my few and far between readers. As you can see, this blog was left to die almost a year ago. I honestly forgot it existed. Then today, while I debated over what I should and shouldn't include on a MySpace blog, I remembered it. How perfect a solution. I can kee
p my silly, random, generic thoughts on MySpace where I don't care who reads them. I can reserve this area for you - the small circle of people I trust to know the actual details of my life. (you'll find I'm already rambling since it's closely approaching sleepy time - it will only get worse as we go along, that I can assure you)

Oh my life...what would I start with? Well my move to California is rapidly approaching. For 2 years now I have split my
time between the coasts (He has as well - but I believe he's far more accustom to traveling than I) I am extremely excited ~ though I've been so busy I haven't had time to just sit in the joy of the idea. There are...wait, let me check....

** time warp - 20+ minutes later **....................

I was already fighting to stay awake & I just wasted some of the precious consciousness I had left. On what? Looking for an online countdown clock. I wanted to include the exact number of days left until my move - Googled 'online countdown' - and had the wonderful luck of choosing the one featured on
NEVER go to
It froze my browser up so badly that I ended up performing a dreaded hard reboot. *shivers* Anyway...back to what I was saying.....what was I saying? Oh...the move. 2 months and 4 days to go. Seems like a while, until you take into account the fact that I probably have 4 months of preparation to do. You can tell how that's going to work out. Me = crazy. But I can't think of many other reasons I'd do it. The first day of kicking off my shoes on the West Coast and it finally sinks in that I DON'T HAVE TO FLY BACK A MONTH LATER will be the best feeling.

(makes tired noises) I guess I should wrap this up for now. I'm slouching in my chair.

*I just realized that I forgot to fill the ice trays and my caffeine free Pepsi pack is still sitting on the kitchen table....not in the fridge.

I am SO going to bed.

0 tripped with me:

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