There are blogs that will change your life, bring you out of a crisis, or help you connect with others....this isn't one of them. I just like to write. My entries might be funny, sarcastic, crazy, and often boring - but I do it for me. If you happen to find something that you like; that's a bonus. This is for the days or nights where I just have to ramble to clear my I can stop tripping through my sanity.

How it Should Have Gone

Actual Conversation:

"Well, I'm going to go home for a bit and work on my other job, then I'll be back. I'm burning the candle at both ends."

Other person:
"Oh I feel your pain!"

Me: (chuckles and leaves)

How it SHOULD have gone:

"Feel my pain? How do you feel my pain? I work for you. When I'm not working for you I'm running my own company. When I'm not running my own company I'm taking care of a 10 year old. When I'm not doing any of those things I'm trying my best to get some sleep for more than a few hours. You go to work. You go home. Your time at home is yours. You have no concept of what I have to do every day."

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